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About Us

R.I.P. Klaus D. Mackert

April-1942 to Aug 18, 1997


Our Founder Mr Klaus D. Mackert was a caring and giving man.

Those who knew the man. Knew him as simple, Funny, And caring. He'd give you the shirt off his back if you needed it. But everything else aside. He loved animals. 

  Some say he loved animals so much he gave up his PHD in Bio Chemisty and came to America because of it. Because he cared so much and could not test on animals. Late summer spring summer of 89. Decided hell with it and open up Happy Aimals. Siting to always up-hold the cold and speak for the Gods Creathers. And if you ever heard him speak. It was firm, Yet cunning about like that. The man lost the battle of cancer that late afternoon in August.  You are not here but your in our thoughts and prayers. And we still up hold the code. To speak out for those who can't

The Mission


 Klaus Mackert had a mission to save, rescue and rehabilitate animals in need.  A happy animal made him a happy man.  When he passed, this mission was carried over to both of his sons.  They currently own and operate the recue and rehab center. Opened up in the summer of 1996 Klaus' sole mission was to save as many animals in distress as possible, in a minimal time. Once these animals have been broguth back to a stable enough state, we Re-Home or Re-Locate them to the proper habitat or environment. We check back up on them from time to time, but would like them to acclimate to their enviroments.  We only have their best interest in mind.  We care and love them from our hearts and when you do it from the heart, you get a different outcome.

Company Policies


 Our mission is to Rescue any animal in distress who needs rescueing. We will always have a 100% NO KILL policy. We will rescue, evaluate, re-home or relocate to the proper habitat or facility/ zoo’s and proper refuges or to the proper handler. We have a Exhausting adoption that takes sometime. ALL wild life is NON-ADOPTABLE To the Public. Mchigan law prohibits sales of anykind. However, some of the exotic animals we do come into care with may be adoptable, check your Local Laws and what you can have in your area. ( proof will need to be provided)

If you live in a rented home, apt etc.  Proof of allowed animals will be required before adoption will be considered.  Re-homing fees cover cost accuired while at the center.  

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